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Shooting competitions we offer at our range

We have 4 clubs at the range that host the different styles of competition. 


The Rocket City Practical Shooters host USPSA & Steel Challenge match. These matches consist of Pistol, Revolver, Pistol Caliber Carbine and Carbine competitions. 


The North Alabama Regulators host Cowboy Action shooting, which uses two single action revolvers a pistol caliber lever action rifle and a double barrel or model 1897 shotgun. 


Cavern Cove Competitive Shooting hosts a Rimfire Challenge Match


Cavern Cove NRL-22 is a precision 22 long rifle match. 

SASS South Eastern Regional Championships
SASS Alabama State Championships
NRL Cavern Cove Precision Rimfire Shootout
USPSA Alabama Sectional Championship
Rimfire Challenge State & World Championship


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